talk # |
Speaker, affiliation and talk’s title |
YT Video |
Registration and Opening Ceremony |
| Welcome speeches by Universities and City Authorities: Prof.Carlo Petronio – prof. Stefano Galatolo -prof. Antonello Provenzale – prof. Paolo Grigolini – dr. Paolo Pesciatini | |
Mathematics and Physics of Complexity |
01 |
Stefano Marmi (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, IT) The dynamics of banks leverage: a dynamical systems approach |
02 |
Bruce J. West (University of North Texas, US) Colloquium: Principle of Complexity Management Entails Crucial Events |
03 |
Maria José Pacifico (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, BR) A toy model for flows with equilibria attached to regular orbits |
04 |
David Lambert (University of North Texas, US) Renewal Aging and Non-Ergodicity in Diffusion Entropy Analysis |
05 |
Claudio Bonanno (Università di Pisa, IT) Strong laws of large numbers in infinite ergodic theory |
06 |
Sandro Vaienti (Centre de Physique Théorique de Marseille, FR) Thermodynamics and limit theorems for random open dynamical systems |
07 |
Stefano Boccaletti (CNR – Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, IT) Structure and dynamics of networked systems in the presence of higher order interactions |
08 |
Wael Bahsoun (Loughborough University, UK) Map lattices coupled by collisions: chaos per lattice unit |
09 |
Duccio Fanelli (Università di Firenze, IT) Recurrent Spectral Network (RSN): shaping the basin of attraction of a discrete map to reach automated classification |
10 |
Alessandro Torcini (CY Cergy Paris Université, FR) A reduction methodology for fluctuation driven population dynamics |
11 |
Paolo Grigolini (University of North Texas, US) Levy versus Gaussian Statistics |
12 |
Korosh Mahmoodi (University of North Texas, US) Complexity Synchronization |
Statistical Mechanics, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos |
13 |
Roberto Livi (Università di Firenze, IT) An overview about negative temperatures (they do exist!) |
14 |
Paolo Politi (CNR – Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, IT) Localization scenarios in condensation transitions |
15 |
Antonio Politi (University of Aberdeen, UK) Breather stability and adiabatic invariants in the discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation |
16 |
Stefano Lepri (CNR – Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, IT) Transport in Perturbed Integrable Anharmonic Chains |
17 |
Riccardo Meucci (CNR – Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, IT) 40 years of chaos in lasers. Generalized multistability and its control |
18 |
Fabrizio Lillo (Università di Bologna e Scuola Normale Superiore, IT) Modelling time-varying interactions in complex systems: the Score-Driven Kinetic Ising Model |
Complexity in Biomedicine |
19 |
Ione Hunt von Herbing (University of North Texas, US) Exploring Complexity in Organismal Development: How stability and disorder set the stage for adaptive capability in a changing world |
20 |
April Pease (University of North Texas, US) Getting the light right: The challenges of determining patterns of complexity during plant and animal development using biophotons |
21 |
Jessica Lucchesi (Università di Firenze, IT) In vivo calcium imaging of mice engaged in social behavior reveals widespread inter-brain synchrony |
22 |
Maurizio Benfatto (INFN, IT) Biophotons: general aspects and new experimental data |
Complexity and Climatology |
23 |
Antonello Provenzale (IGG-CNR, IT) Climate and the biosphere – a very complex system |
24 |
Marco Bianucci (ISMAR-CNR, IT) The Fokker Planck equation (non-local time) as a Gaussian limit process of the sum of correlated stochastic operators and other interesting results from a flexible extension of the central limit theorem. |
“Marcello Buiatti” Memorial Lectures |
25 |
Paolo Allegrini – (Università di Pisa, IT) Complexity as the living state of matter. |
26 |
Pier Luigi Gentili (Università di Perugia, IT) Complexity in chemical systems |
Complexity in Physiology, Social Sciences, Philosophy |
27 |
Giovanni Cercignani (Università di Pisa, IT) Estimating the phosphorylation potential of ATP in vivo |
28 |
Marina Raglianti (Universidad de Tarapacá, CL) Complexity of human body movement |
29 |
Dino Pedreschi (Università di Pisa, IT) Social Artificial Intelligence |
30 |
Alberto Mazzoni (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, IT) Computational models for neural pathologies |
31 |
Lucio Tonello (University of North Texas, US) Complexity Matching between Brain and Society: a Hypothesis |
32 |
Harvey Brenner (Johns Hopkins University, US) Complexity, Crucial Events and Human Mortality |
33 |
Fabio Vanni (Università dell’Insubria, IT) Seeds of complexity: the relation between human interactions with social and economic variables |
34 |
Final discussion moderated by Paolo Grigolini (University of North Texas, US) |
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Best Poster Award (by Chaos Solitons & Fractals and Elsevier) Closing Remarks |