Pease April

SpecialityUniversity of North Texas, USA
Constraining Stressors on Lentil Biophoton Emissions Using a Three-Compartment Box SetupBiophoton emissions, the light emitted by living organisms, hold potential as a quantitative measure of health or disease. To further explore this phenomenon, we propose studying biophoton emissions in lentil seeds and investigating the effects of stressors, including temperature, pH, moisture, and soil characteristics, on emission intensity and wavelength. By employing a three-compartment box setup, we can precisely control the experimental conditions and better understand the factors influencing lentil seed emissions. Our experiments will focus on specific developmental markers, such as radicle and taproot emergence, and we will use diffusion entropy analysis (DEA) correlate changes in emission characteristics with complexity patterns. These are characterized by Fractional Brownian Motion (FBM) and dynamical complexity with crucial events. Additionally, we will assess the utility of FBM as a tool for quantifying lentil seed growth under different stress conditions. Through this study, we aim to enhance our understanding of the biological mechanisms underlying lentil biophoton emissions and explore their potential as reliable indicators of plant health.

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by Pease April

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