about DCP and DCP24

DCP is an inter-disciplinary workshop focused on non-linear dynamics, statistical mechanics and complexity in multiple areas, from mathematics to philosophy, biology, physiology, economy and social sciences, among others. It is held annually in Pisa (Italy). DCP24 is the 2024 edition; it will span on 4 days (one day more wrt the previous editions) to host a larger number of talks and speakers in the various sessions. DCP24 can be attended both in presence and online.


wednesday - saturday
5-8 June, 2024


Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33, 56127 Pisa PI, Italy


Meet the local organizing committee

How to register

No registration is required to attend DCP24 online: a public link will be released one week before the beginning of DCP24, open to everyone will follow this workshop. Registering to attend DCP24 in presence is free of charge for bachelor, master and PhD students. For post-docs, researchers and faculty members a very small registration fee is required (60 euros) to cover the costs of the lunches and coffee-breaks during the four days of DCP24. It is anyhow possible to register for free if the registrant does not want to use the lunch service provided by DCP24.

Online registrations are now closed: it is anyhow possible to register on site

submit a contribution/poster

Submission of contributions or posters are welcome! To submit it is necessary that at least one of the Authors is already registered to DCP24. A limited number of 20-min talk are still available: if you want to present an original result concerning Complexity in any point ov view, you are solicited to submit. You can also submit a poster: if accepted, you can be eligible for the “Best Poster Award” competition, sponsored by Chaos Solitons and Fractals. Deadline for submissions is: May 19th, 2024.

submissions are now closed

DCP24 invited speakers

DCP24 program

Browse DCP24 program

ONLINE streaming:

DCP24 will be broadcasted via the CISSC’s webminar MS-Teams channel. Click the side button to activate Teams. Online speakers should use this button to connect and present.

Best poster award

Chaos Solitons and Fractals, an International Journal published by Elsevier, is among the most prominent journals in the field of Complexity and offers a prize of 150,00 euros to the best poster presented at DCP24. All the posters are eligible for this prize.  A scientific committee will be nominated: it will evaluate all the posters during the poster sessions. The winner will be announced at the end of DCP24, just before the closure ceremony.  

supporting institutions and sponsors

Department of Mathematics - University of Pisa, IT
CNR- Biophysics Institute, Pisa, IT
University of North Texas, USA

with the patronage of the city council of Pisa

venue and logistic

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies – Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33, 56127 Pisa, Italy

The “Sant’Anna” High School hosts the DCP24 in its historic headquarters. The speeches will take place in the “Aula Magna”, while poster sessions, coffee breaks and lunches will be located in the adjacent spaces

Logistics and accommodations

Sant’Anna School” can be reached:

  • by car: in general, it is not possible to reach Sant’Anna School with a private car, as the School is located in a “only-for-resident” area. But there are parking lots in all the streets just outside the restricted area, and the School is at short walk distance from them (2 to 10 min) In most cases, you have to pay an hourly amount to leave the car parked;
  • by train: Sant’Anna School is at walking distance from Pisa Central Station (15 min). You can also use a taxi (5 min).
  • by airplane: from Pisa Airport  you can reach Sant’Anna School by walking in about 28 min. Alternatively, you can take the “Pisa Mover” at the Airport and reach the Central Station in 5 min, then follow the indications of the previous point.

Suggested hotels and other accomodations. Pisa has a very large number of hotels and other kind of accommodation (b&b, apartments, ecc.); you can make a reservation using the most common online booking services. Here is a short list of some suggested accommodations, you can search for them online to check their availability and prices:

  • Residence Le Benedettine
  • Hotel Bologna
  • Grand Hotel Duomo
  • Royal Victoria Hotel
  • Grand Hotel Bonanno
  • Hotel Athena
  • Residence Domus
  • Four Lions Villa Guesthouse

If you have any question,
please email: info (at) cissc.unipi.it