The table repors the talks hosted by DCP24 in the order they have been presented. Videos are currently undergoing a post-processing procedure: once they will be released, the YouTube icon will turn red and a link to the corresponding YT video will be operative. This work will take time, please be patient…

Talk/Event Speaker Title/Topic YouTube vid
DAY #1- June 5th, 2024
Opening and registration
Welcome speeches
  • Frida Scarpa – City Council of Pisa
  • Benedetta Mennucci – Università di Pisa
  • Andrea Roventini – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa
  • Fabrizio Lillo – Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa
  • Fabio Recchia – Area della Ricerca del CNR Pisa
  • Paolo Grigolini – University of North Texas
Talk #1 Benedetta Mennucci – Università di Pisa, IT Towards an atomistic view of light-driven processes in biology
Talk #2 Giorgio Scita – IFOM, IT Tissue fluidification in pathophysiology
Talk #3 Arti Ahluwalia – Università di Pisa, IT Lab on a Laptop for investigating spheroid morphology and coexistence
Talk #4 Davide Usula – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa, IT Phases of Distributive Conflict and Inflation Spirals
Talk #5 Nicola Pedreschi – Oxford University, UK The temporal rich club phenomenon
Talk #6 Michele Giusfredi – Università di Firenze, IT Localization in boundary-driven lattice models
Talk #7 Stefano Boccaletti – ISC-CNR, IT The transition to synchronization of networked dynamical systems
Talk #8 Marco Bianucci – ISMAR-CNR, IT Generalized Cumulants and Lie-Evolution of operators: a versatile approach for Statistical Physics. Examples of applications including Geophysics/Climatel models
Talk #9 Giuseppe Longo – École Normale Supérieure de Paris, FR Extended criticality
Talk #10 Mauro Bologna Universidad de Tarapacá, CH Fractional calculus
Talk #11 Francesco Mainardi – Università di Bologna, IT An application of fractional calculus: from diffusion to wave propagation
Talk #12 Louis Roberto Evangelista – Universidade Estadual de Maringá, BR Fractional Calculus as a Tool for Applications in Soft Matter: Electrical Impedance Response of Materials
Talk #13 Bruce West – University of North Texas, US Fractional calculus
DAY #2- June 6th, 2024
Talk #14 Francesco Carli, Università di Pisa, IT Learning and actioning general principles of cancer cell drug sensitivity
Talk #15 Elena Levantini, ITB-CNR, IT From Genes to Networks: Exploring the Intricacies of Lung Cancer through Single-Cell Transcirptomics
Talk #16 Chiara M. Mazzanti, Fondazione Pisana per la Scienza, IT Innovative dynamic stratification in glioblastoma: analyzing tumor cell characteristics and mobility strategies through single cell behavior live imaging (ScBLI)
Talk #17 Leonardo Martinelli – Università di Pisa, IT Network Model Replicates Personalized Brain Dynamics in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Talk #18 Ranieri Bizzarri – Università di Pisa, IT Optical nanoscopy to understand the biology of biological condensates
Talk #19 Nils Gauthier – IFOM, IT Invasive gliomas: Motility behaviors and mechanical properties
Talk #20 Alessandro Torcini – CY Cergy Paris Université, FR A robust balancing mechanism for spiking neural networks in absence of strong external currents
Talk #21 Mimma Nardelli – Università di Pisa, IT ComEDA and MComEDA: new tools for the assessment of complex electrodermal activity dynamics
Talk #22 Marco Cafiso / Paolo Paradisi, Università di Pisa, IT Complexity of a bio inspired Hopfield-type neural network: random vs. scale-free connectivity
Talk #23 Chiara Magliaro – Università di Pisa, IT Mini-Brains, Big Opportunities: Navigating the Frontiers of Cerebral Organoids
Talk #24 Bertram Duering – Warwick University, UK Kinetic exchange models of societies and economies
Talk #25 Maurizio Benfatto /Elisabetta Pace – INFN, IT Biophotons: a hard problem
Talk #26 Paolo Freguglia – Università de L’Aquila, IT On the corporate organization. A proposal
Talk #27 Daniele Giachini – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa , IT Pricing anomalies in a general equilibrium model with biased learning
Talk #28 Andrea Antico – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa , IT The Effect of Market Selection on Pricing Patterns in a General Equilibrium Model with Behavioural Biases
DAY #3- June 7th, 2024
Talk #29 Giulio Rossetti – ISTI-CNR, IT Mass media impact on opinion evolution in biased digital environments
Talk #30 Andrea Scarciglia – Università di Pisa, IT Stochastic Coupling Estimation in Multivariate Dynamical Systems
Talk #31 Stefano Lepri – ISC-CNR , IT Large-deviations approach to thermalization: the case of harmonic chains with conservative noise
Talk #32 Antonio Politi – Aberdeen University – UK Origin of metastable negative-temperature states in DNLS-type models
Talk #33 Umberto Cherubini – Università di Bologna, IT Consumption Skewness, Time Deformation and the Term Structure
Talk #34 Andrea Vandin – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa, IT Model reduction for complex non-linear dynamical systems
Talk #35 Guido Germano – University College of London – UK Stochastic volatility models with stochastic interest rates
Talk #36 Enrico Scalas – Sapienza Università di Roma, IT Probabilistic methods for economic modeling
Talk #37 Maksim Kitsak – Technical University Delft – NL Finding shortest and nearly shortest path nodes in large substantially incomplete networks by hyperbolic mapping
Talk #38 Lorenzo Gaetano Amato – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa, IT Brain network dynamics in health and disease
Talk #39 Luca Dini – ILC-CNR, IT Enhancing Neural Language Models with Human Reading Behaviour
Talk #40 Fabrizio Lillo – Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa , IT Online learning of order flow and market impact
Talk #41 Giorgio Rizzini – Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa , IT Modelling shock propagation and resilience in financial temporal networks
Talk #42 Francesco Marino – INO-CNR, IT Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in quantum fluids as an emergent phenomenon
Talk #43 Alberto Ortolani – IBE-CNR, IT Climate complexity
Talk #44 Best Poster Award Flash talks by:
  • Ludovico Iannello (winner)
  • Leonardo Martinelli
  • Gianluca Becuzzi
DAY #4- June 8th, 2024
Talk #45 Franco Flandoli – Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa , IT A difficult Dynamical System question arising in Climate Change
Talk #46 Marta Leocata – LUISS, IT Climate and Economics
Talk #47 Sandro Vaienti – Université de Toulon – FR Quasi-ergodicity
Talk #48 Matteo Tanzi – King’s College London, UK Selfconsistent Transfer Operators: Existence and stability of fixed points in presence of strong coupling
Marcello Buiatti Memorial Thesis Award Presentation
Talk #49 Angelo Vulpiani – Sapienza Università di Roma Remarks on chaos in classical and quantum mechanics
Talk #50 Andrea Ortone – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa, IT Beta oscillators interplay in a model of parkinsonian Basal Ganglia
Talk #51 Marcello Buiatti Thesis Award winners talks:
  • Elena Betti
  • Andrea Casagrande
  • Benedetta Noferi
Talk #52 Massimo Stella – University of Trento, IT Cognitive modelling of concepts in the mental lexicon with multiplex networks: Insights and advancements
Talk #53 Fabio Vanni – Università dell’Insubria, IT Aging and Exchangeability
Talk #54 Herbert Jelinek – Kahlifa University, AE Mind over Matter: Physiological Response to Tibetan Singing Bowls and Effect on Inter-individual Complexity Matching
Talk #55 Harvey Brenner Memorial Lecture by Elke Heckner – Iowa University, USA Social Complexity and the Social Mind.
Talk #56 Paolo Grigolini – University of North Texas, USA Complexity form physics to social sciences
round table Complexity Today, moderated by Paolo Grigolini
closing remarks
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